Viber old
Viber old

viber old

Note: Outgoing photos and videos will not be restored. Make sure you’re connected to the same Cloud service on your phone, like Google Drive, while backing up and restoring Viber messages. The Android Viber backup and restore procedures are as below. Starting from version 6.1, Viber allows users to back up message history to Cloud service and restore to a device with the same phone number. But it is inconvenient and the backups cannot be restored. Many Viber users know that they can email Viber message history and get backup files. Restore Viber Messages from Backup on Android Whether you are one of them or not now, you are suggested to learn how to backup & restore Viber on Android or recover deleted Viber chats without backup from Android. When users delete or lose important Viber chat messages or files due to deletion, wiping, or deactivating, even Viber team itself cannot restore the history for them.

viber old viber old

Many people use it to communicate with family, friends and other people, but most of them know little about Viber backup and restore. Viber has already become one of the most popular social apps.

Viber old